Saturday 31 October 2015

Use of various approaches into the language teaching like Communicative, Structural, Situational and functional approach.

Name:                  Gond  Asmita  K.
Class:                     M.A. SEM -3
Roll no:                 Year – 2015
Enrollment no:       pg14101017
Email Id        :   
Paper:                     12 English language teaching.
Submitted to:        M.K.B.U, Bhavnagar University
                                 Department of English

To evaluate my assignment click here


  Use of various approaches into the language teaching like Communicative, Structural, Situational and functional approach.


             Theoretical positions and beliefs about the nature of language teaching and language learning and the applicability of both to pedagogical settings are Includes into the approaches. Approaches seeks to be provide a comprehensive and comprehensible account of major and minor trends  in language teaching from beginning of the twentieth century to the  preset also. It has extensive and acknowledge links to a particular tradition in second or foreign language teaching. So let’s learn about various approaches. (Richard and Rodger 178 to 180)

 We will found various approaches into the language teaching such as …..

1). Functional approach
2) Situational approach
3) Communicative approach and
4) Structural approach so let’s understand briefly about above approaches.

1)   Functional approach.

             The functional approach explains the behaviour is indebted to Smith Freud and Durkheimnged.

                   Functional national syllabus is a syllabus in which the language content is arranged according to the functions that the learner will use the language for and the meaning a learner needs to express through the language. It contains some syllabus which contains the meaning and concept the learner needs to communicate example, duration and location.

                       The language is needed to express different functions for example requesting suggesting. Like the language becomes medium which depends on request of the student and it leads towards suggestions which were given by the teacher is call functional approach. Functional syllabus is based on the communicative and interpersonal Functional syllabus is based on communicative use and interpersonal use. Functional approach is based on communicative use and interpersonal use. It also does direct contrast with function syllabus and grammatical syllable. Functional approach emphasize on the functioning of a language and not on its structure and form.

                                   Functional approach seeks to impart instruction in the hope that attempting to use language in life like or real world context is the best way of learning. Language knowledge   of formal structure is at best incidental and is considered valid only in so far as it provocative language use, so we can say that Functional approach  promotes active language use.

                            Functional approach refers to notions like location, gyration, ability and concept of time.  Some functions are given to students while teaching through this approach which related with the communication between teacher and students. For example student will make request, enquiries and suggestions and so teacher should give advice and introductions. So it will call functional approach. (contributors)

The second approach is situational approach:

                                  Situational language teaching is an approach developed by British applied linguist in the 1930s to the 1960. While it is an approach unknown for many teachers it had a big influence on language courses till the 1980s.
                     The language teaching is base on a structural view of language speech; structure and a focus on a set of basic vocabulary are seen as the basis of language teaching. This was a view similar to American structuralisms’ such as Fries. However what distinguishes, the Second language teaching approach is it’s emphasize on the presentation of structures in situations.
                            Situational language teaching is characterized by two major features:
1)    Focus on vocabulary and reading is one of the most salient traits of S.L.T. In fact, mastery of a set high frequency vocabulary items is believed to lead to good reading skills.  Reading skill is a main kill into the language teaching experts believe that learners learn to read best by reading both simplified and authentic materials.  The activities   in a reading lesson often follow this pattern.

1) Introductory activities
2)   Main  activities and
 3)   Post activities.

2)   An analysis of English and a classification of its prominent grammatical structures into sentence patterns also called situational tables are believed to help learner internalize grammatical rules.

 Of language learning constitutes the cornerstone of situation of language teaching. The approach gives primary to the process over the conditions of learning. The following processes   are noted in this approach.

1)   The act of receiving the  knowledge or material
2)   Repetition to fix that knowledge, or material in memory.
3)   The use of the knowledge or material in actual practice until it becomes a personal skill.

Objectives of S .L.A

        The adjective of situational language teaching involves accurate use of vocabulary items and grammar rules in order to achieve a practical mastery of the four basic skills.

 Learner must be able to produce accurate pronuntiation and use of grammar. The ultimate aim is to be able to respond quickly and accurately in speech situation s with an automatic control of basic structures and sentence pattern.

                               Syllable of Second language teaching is designed upon a word list and structural activities. Grammar teaching involves situational presentation of new sentence pattern and drills to produce the pattern. The teacher moves from controlled to free practice of situations and from oral use of sentence. Patterns to their automatic use in speech, reading and writing.

          In Situational Language teaching, a lesson practice followed by a revision and a presentation of new material. The teacher then proceeds to oral practice and drilled of the elements presented finally, the lesson or exercises.

                                  Advantages of situational approach:

                             Situational language teaching is still attracting to many teachers who still believe in structural practice of language. It’s radically in the teaching of grammar or pattern has contributed to the survival of the approach until recently. Besides its emphasis on oral practice still attracts support among language teachers.

                           Disadvantages of Situational approach:

             Many premises underlying   the approach have been criticized for example Chomsky 1957 showed that the structural and the behaviouristic approach to language are simply incorrect as the fundamental features of language learning: the ability to create novel and unique sentences. Children   do not acquire their    mother tongue through repetition and habit formation. There must be, however an innate predisposition that leads them to a certain kind of linguistic competence. So situational approach is very important approach in Language teaching.

  The third approach is Structural approach

                                       Structural approach is a prescriptive model that suggests learner’s should start to develop rules for problems solving.  In developing    rules, the learner needs to fulfil the gaps in the problem and in doing so learner‘s problem solving.

                        Structural Approach is based on the assumption that language can best be learnt through a science selection and grading of structures or patterns of sentences and vocabulary. The stress is on the learning of essential structure of English.

                             In the words of Menon and Patel: “The structural approach os based on the belief that in the learning of foreign language, mastery of structures is more important than the acquisition of vocabulary.” This approach employs the technique of the direct Method of teaching but the use of translations is not wholly discarded. Teaching is done in situations. Speech is mainly stressed but reading and writing are not neglected. There is scope for limitless experiments in imaginative ways of applying the structural Approach in the classroom. Prof. C.S. Bhandari has rightly said …….

                        “It is not proper and the correct to call the structural Approach a method of teaching. It is not proper and correct is known as the structural Approach a method of teaching. It is not a method; it is an approach any method can be used within.” (Jack c. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers)

Specification of theory:

1)   Goals and preconditions :

-         Problem solving
2)   Principles :

1.    Teach higher order rules that can be used to derive lower order rules.
2.    Teach simple solution paths and lead to more complex paths.
3.    Rules must be composed of the minimum capabilities possessed by the learner.

3)   Condition of learner:

1.    This theory is based on interaction between a tutor and one or more learner.
2.    Technology may fill the role of tutor.
3.    The structure means task analysis determines the rules required to solve their problems.

4)   Required media
5)   Role of facilitator.

-         External agent means tutor that influences learning.
6)   Instructional strategies:

1.    Use structural analysis to identify the problem domains means input and output for problem solving.
2.    Develop a hierarchy of rules for the problem domain starts with prototypical examples. This prototype may leave gaps.
3.    Covers this gap into higher order problem that contains the rules for the gap.
4.    Fulfil the gaps with the higher order rules help to validate lover level rules and allow for consolidation of reluctant rules.

7)   Assessment method

    The learner can use higher order to solve the problem solve in complex and ill defined domains. The learner can distinguishes between lower and. higher order rules. Learner enabling rules to solve problems.

Characteristics of Structural approach

                     The concept of English study system depends upon three main characteristics which are briefly, discussed as:-

1)   Words order, or the “patterns of form” is of primary importance in learning English language. It is the order of words in a pattern that makes true meaing clear.

2)   Presence of function words. The structural devices makes use of the another important principle. This is the essential use of ‘function, words or structural words.”  Observe the following :

a.    I kill the snake
b.    I shall kill the snake
c.     I have killed the snake

3)    Use of important characteristics is that English language makes use of a small number of inflections as compared to other languages. Which makes changes are prominent in the following for ex.

-         I Verbs: 
-          I write,
-          He writes,
-          I am writing ,
-          I wrote.
·       Principles of  the structural approach

a.    Forming Language habits :

                         The Second language acquisition gives due importance to the forming of language habits. The learners should acquire the habit of arranging words in English study through the language drill.

b.    Importance of speech:

                 The structural approach regards speech as more important that reading and writing. Speech is the necessary means of fixing all ground works.

c.     Important of pupils activity:

         The second language acquisition puts more emphasis on pupil’s activity that on the teaching. It is he child who is the learner, so he must be actively involved into the teaching- learning process.

            The whole approach is based on the activities and thinking process which is almost accomplished by activities if some kind of pleasurable activities is the secret of success in the long assimilation.

Forth approach is Communicative approach

                                  The communicative approach is an approach to language teaching that emphasize interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of study.

                         This approach rise in 1970’s and 1980’s. Due to the colonialism number of student has the opportunity to learn foreign languages. Educators were forced to invent new technique to involve active participation of students.

                            Chomsky realizes that their theories of prevalent time could not explain the creativity and variety evident in real communication. British linguistics like Christopher Canadian and Henry Widdowson focused on structure.

                      The linguistics and anthropologists Dell Hymes developed the concept of communicative competence.Hymes says “there are rules of use of without which the rules of grammar would be useless.” Communicative language learning materials were also developed in Germany personal freedom was emphasized.

David Nunan 1991 gave five features of communicative language teaching:

 1.      Learning to communicate through interaction in the target language
2.    Introducing authentic text into the learning situations.
3.    To provide opportunity to learner in learning.
4.    Enhancing of learners experiments to classroom teaching.
5.    An attempt to link classroom language outside the class room.

                     This approach also provides the classroom activities like:

·        Role play:

   It includes Information gap, Games, language exchange, questioning etc. Survey, pair work and learning by teaching.

 Critics complained for paying insufficient attention to the context in which teaching and learning takes place.

                  Communicative approach focuses on the process communication rather than on structural, functional ornotional items.

Analysis of communicative tasks:

·       Goals
·       Inputs
·       Activities
·       Teacher’s role
·       Setting etc.
Communicative competence:

                      The ability not only to apply the grammatical rules of a language in order to perform grammatically correct sentences, but also known when and where to use the sentences.

                                This approach is related with the close interaction with teacher and students active participation into the activities like.

1. Role play
2. Learning by teaching
3. Pair works
4. Survey
5. Information gaps
6. Games
7. Language exchange etc.

        This approach is a set of assumption about how language is learnt by the enjoyment.


   So all the approaches like Communicative approach, Functional approach, structural approach and the situational approach are most important for language teaching and learning also. All approaches were achieved through the practice, great knowledge and hard work

Works Cited

contributors, Wikipedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 13 September 2015. <>.
Jack c. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers. Approaches and methods in language teaching. Cambridge : The press syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 2001.
Richard and Rodger, Jack c. and Theodore S. Approachesand methods in Languageteaching. United Kingdom: The press syndicatesof the university of Cambridge, 2001.




Friday 30 October 2015

Harold Bloom’s essay The search for the self’ in the play ‘Waiting for Godot’

Name:                  Gond  Asmita  K.
Class:                     M.A. SEM -3
Roll no:                 Year – 2015
Enrollment no:       pg14101017
Email Id        :   
Paper:            :      -9   (Modernist Literature)
Submitted to:        M.K.B.U, Bhavnagar University

                               Department of English

To evaluate my assignment click here

Topic : 

 Harold Bloom’s play ‘The search for the self’  in the play  ‘Waiting for Godot’

Introduction of the play writer ‘Samuel Beckett

               The play Waiting for Godot was written by Samuel Beckett, was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1906, he rejected Ireland as his homeland. He was born on 13th April on Good Friday. He attended a Protestant public school and earned Bachelor of Arts degree from Trinity College in 1927 and on M.A. in 1931. Although Beckett taught for a short time, he positioned. He began travelling in Europe and eventually settled in Paris in 1937. He died in Paris on December 22, 1989, of respiratory failure.

Works of Samuel Beckett:

                                 Beckett did most of his writing in French his works included poetry, critical essays, and novels. In 1951 and 1953, Beckett wrote his most famous novels:

                      Beckett did most of his writing in French his works included poetry, critical essays, and novels. In 1951 and 1953, Beckett wrote his most famous novels;

1)   The trilogy Molloy
2)   Malone Dies and
3)   The Unnameable.

However he is most famous for dramas which were written by Beckett the play ‘waiting for Godot’ was his masterpiece work which was known as the many critics defining work of Absurdist. Also the most famous of Beckett’s subsequent plays include……

1)   Endgame ( 1958) and
2)   Krapp’s Last Tape ( 1959)
          He also wrote several even more experimental plays, like

1)   Breath (1969), a thirty – second plays.

Beckett was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1969.

Introduction of the play ‘Waiting for Godot’

                                                            Waiting for Godot consists of two men unable to act, or think in any significant way while they kill time waiting for a mysterious man Godot. The characters fail to realize that this very act of waiting is a choice; instead, they view as a mandatory part of their daily routine. It is a play in which virtually nothing has happened.

                                            Endgame, considered by some critics an even bleaker view of human existence than Waiting for Godot.  Enoch Brater, in a 1975 essay for the Educational Theatre Journal, argues that Beckett’s play not simply the writing, but also the staging brought a physical element to the absurdist movement.
                                             This play also proved the most commercially successful “experimental “play since Pirandello’s six characters in search of their existence. It is first produced in Paris in 1952; Waiting for Godot has since been translated into eighteen languages and performed all over the world.
                            At last I would  like to say that this play indicates to humanity that one day Godot will come, it means one day death will really come for which we were waiting.

                        The essay ‘The search for the self’ starts with an anecdote on November 19, 1957, a group of worried actors were preparing to face their audience. The Actor’s were members of the company of the San Francisco Actor’s Workshop. The audience consisted of fourteen hundred convicts at the San Quentin penitentiary. No live play had been performed at San Quentin since Sarah Bernhardt appeared there in 1913.

   “The play had been chosen, largely because no women appeared in it, was Samuel Beckett’s ‘Waiting for Godot”.

                                    Here one question will come in our mind that why Beckett has not included any female character in his play? After thinking about it we comes to know that a women is a problem of all the condition as we can see Milton’s ‘Paradise lost’ that how a disobedience of a women becomes the fall of the humanity and so I think Beckett has not included any female character in his play and because of it intellectual rites were comes in our mind. If Beckett has not included any female character so it was call his big progress because if in any play a female character we will find so that play will not become original play because such play was becomes  an action play  were a hero has to show  fighting, love affair , romance etc. But in Beckett’s play he wants to give a big  message to humanity  through his play, where two tramps Vladimir and Estragon performs only one place gives message that “ we are waiting for something in our life  but ultimately we were waiting for the death”  To achieve something is an illusion but in reality death is a big achievement because “ God achieved by death” for whom the humanity is craving.
                                         But here the actor and Herbert Blau, the director, were apprehensive because they have to face one of the toughest audiences who were prisoners and they have done serious crimes. But there they find some personal significance for each member for the play waiting for Godot in audience.

                     When the curtain parted, the play began many prisoners waited for the girls and funny stuff. When this did not appear they audibly fumed and audibly decided to wait until the house lights dimmed they will escape. But they made one mistake they listened and looked two minutes too long and stayed and they left at the end.

                     Then the newspaper appeared into the same headline is that all the prisoners likes the play and they never felt it as a boring play and they has commented also over the play. A reporter from San Francisco Chronicle was presented and noted that all the audience did not find any problem to understand the play.


                      One prisoner told him, “Godot is a society”, Said another “He is the outside.” A teacher prisoner was quoted that “They know what is meant by waiting …. And they knew if Godot finally came, he would only be a disappointment.”

                       So we can say that this play we can see with different perspectives which lead us towards our different understandings and so this play shows harsh reality of society and religion. We can see this play as psychological and philosophical perspective also. Yes, it is true that this play has not beginning and no end which was not described by the play writer also so we can say that our life  has beginning but we don’t know that when will our life will end or when will our death will come for which we were waiting was unpredictable. 
            So we can say that this play related with…..  

·       Esoteric  :  Understanding by few intellectual people
·       Avant-garde :  Leading we will find

So the play waiting for Godot has very deep impact in it been the reason to it that it needs common sense to understand the play. Significance will not found it will found by peoples perspectives. 

·       No female character

In the play particularly nothing is happens. There is nothing done in it: no development is to be found there is no bean beginning no end. The entire action boils down to this:  on a country road, near a tree, two, tramps, Estragon and Vladimir, idle away their time waiting for Godot, Who never comes.  Two stranger a cruel master and his half crazy slave, cross their path, and soon depart. At the end of a first act, a messenger from Godot arrives and says that he and then the show is going on. And there is not female character in the play. Beckett denies satisfaction to his audience. He wants the audience to suffer extreme despair.

 So we can say that this play shows a picture of human condition because it shows two tramps of their boredom, their fear of pain , their shreds of love and hate, are a surprisingly effective version of the whole human condition a condition  for  which actions is no answered, chiefly because there is no obvious action to be taken, ‘ nothing to be done’  and so Beckett comes to the  and so such a things we were found in our self and the prisoners has found the same thing into this play.

                           So we can say that environment is responsible for the people because good or bad environment will makes good or evil people if we talk about terrorists or prisoners they were not bad people by birth but society  will  made them in such a way so that they were become bad people. So we can say that society is into the power and society creates environment and different religion has different convictions.

                  When Alan  Sahneider, who was to direct the first American production of Waiting for Godot , asked Beckett who or what was meant by Godot , he received the answered , “ if I knew, I would have  said so in the play.”   Because Becket wants to give chance to readers and audience to find out that who is Godot.

·       Interpretation of Godot

                       Godot symbolizes as god has found a wide acceptance. But other interpretations have been offered too. It has been suggested that Godot is death that the tramps will hang themselves on the speak while waiting for it in order to have the right to be still at last. Or Godot may be the inaccessible self that Beckett pursues through all his work, always with the ultimate hope that “this time, perhaps at last it will be I.” Several critics advised us to bother too much to know who or what Godot is. This advice is based on the view that the play is not about “Godot” but about “Waiting.” Now it’s true that the play is about “Waiting” but naturally asks waiting for what? If the tramps waiting for Godot, we should know what or who Godot is, especially because Godot seems to be a descriptive name. It may happen that the play writer wants to make foolish to the people that how they identify to Godot differently. So here the reader is supposed to solve the mystery of Godot. 

                          We can say that people were easily puts faith on others and they starts to believe others as a sheple means a blind faith. If we take the example of our Babas and also Radhema we will find that how people starts to believe blindly to those people as god and they spend their money and faith on them. So here Beckett also wants give message that don’t believe blindly to others but you search yourself on your own way and try with different angle so we can say that different religion has different convictions.

                    If we talk about a good play we can say that a good play has often clearly constructed story or plot but hee we won’t find it.
  If we talk about the film Gabbar we can say that truth will dies with real truth which leads us towards existentialism is that “ God is existed everywere."

What character were doing i motive
No beginning no end
 totally depends on Godot who never comes into the play
 driven by lack of 

     Much of Beckett’s work – including Godot is often considered by philosophical and literary scholars to be part of the movement of the theatre of absurd, a form of theatre which steamed from the absurdist philosophy of Alburt Camus. It means that universe, human being are incapable of finding the existence of their life which leads towards the philosophical   limitations. Thus humanity is doomed to be face with the absurd, or the absolute absurdity of human existence in lack of intrinsic purpose.

      Martin Esslin writes very lucidly about how the theatre of the absurd works likes poetry rather than narrative.  Traditional drama tells a story develops dynamically. The characters grow and change before our eyes and that is the point of the story to reveal that growth and change. And by it we start to think that……………

As too artificial and too contrived.

                      But the theatre of absurd rejects such a narratives a. The world is not really a neat and all that. Things happen by chance at random also described reality is better than rationality.  The play is referred as tragicomedy or “Black comedy”. The tragedy is the fyutility of Vladimir’s desperation, his growing awareness of the absurdity of his situation. So here the writer’s aim is not to create artificially casual plots, but to reveal for audiences a powerful image which can be…..

So we can   say that in any of the drama, play or movie audience requires entertainment but in Waiting for Godot in this play writer shows his sincerity and reflection of the self into each and every step of the dialogues.

Statistic situation into this play

Estragon: Well, shall we go?
Vladimir:  Yes, let’s go.  

                By the disconsolate utterance, Samuel Beckett introduces the strange world of Waiting for Godot , a   mystery that wrapped in enigma.  So we can say that the dialogues were shows that we are moving according to the movement of the time because time will never stops it does not cares anybody because life has to go on. Many people thinks that one day we will go somewhere but in reality we are only moving into the earth and the earth moves around the sun so the humanity stands one place and waiting for the last stop which was  death.

 The present era is known as modern era and so people has no time to  think about anybody and everyday people running here and there to earn money for living happily but it is the reality that our property will go onto the hands of new generation therefore people earns money by  doing hard work bur it is the reality that we never went anymore but we were waiting only for death but our works and family forgets those ideas.


In the play we will find that two men were doing time pass they did not do anything accept worth things. But it is life either we like or not we have to do whatever decided by the authorities. We can take the example of government is that we does not like to follow the rules but we have to because restrictions of the authority.

                                If we take the example of the myth Sisyphus we can see that he was doing same thing every day he puts up the stone which comes down to the   same place but he never got tired of doing that same thing so in such a way in our life we were doing same thing  because  the shape of ideas is important  “ Life is absurd but it is necessary”  , “ we   tide with the habit of living the life “ and we could not stop it because it was a rigid habit which will interwoven with our life and so I would like to say that “What we do is absurd.”

                        Many people in their life wants to commit suicide but that was a worth thing because nobody cares either someone live or die but people will become happy that “ Zhad gayu ne jagya thai…” so the inner meaning behind into the dialogues of the two tramps.

    Estragon: So long as one knows
Vladimir    : One can bide ones time
Estragon: One knows what to expect
Vladimir: No further need to worry.

                      Difference between two characters Estragon and Vladimir

After reading both of the characters we come to know essential and characteristic aspects of the human condition. Vladimir and Estragon has complementary personalities. Vladimir is more practical than the Estragon. Estragon likes to eat and to sleep but Vladimir as its opposite he likes things as it get it used to. Estragon used to beaten but Vladimir was very responsible person because it is Vladimir who talks with that boy who was the messenger of the Godot. Though they have complementary nature they  lives by depending with each other and they stay together.

                      Such a things we were find in our life also that in society has different types of people were leaving some were good others were evil minded people . In our society we will find crime, murder, rape and other bad things also done by evil people. But in society we will found some good people also who cares and helps others but therefore difference between the people we were leaving our life by compromising our self.

Just like that  both the characters were lives together because “ living life alone was impossible” each and every step of our life we need any companion to do time pass and to do waiting for the death also which we can understand by both of the characters.

 If we talk about characters like Pozzo a Luckey they were gradually complementary in their nature.  Pozzo is the sadistic master and Luckey as submissive slave. Pozzo as a master rules over Luckey because Pozzo has p and so he has to suffer allot for. Now we can say that it is the harsh reality of our society is that a powerful nation , people and government always rules over the people and others has to suffer. If we talk about the systems, rules and regulations those things were makes slave to the people because either we would like it or not but we have to suffer allot by being a slave.   
                                     In the play in act-2 Pozzo gets blind and so now he lost his all power and authority but now Luckey has all the power because he has all the power now he was free he can do anything. But when his master Pozzo calls Luckey for giving the rope he has easily gave to his master and again he became a slave of his master. So we can say that authority will not allow to people to be free because we were tide in such a way that we won’t be able to live freely because society also will not allow us so that we  can do whatever we want.  So the humanity also the slave of his habit of living life as it was designed, but life is necessary and so we have to obey it like Luckey and Pozzo’s relationships. So we can also says that one is enjoys to giving pain to others and the one is suffers like Luckey. So we can say that our body also the slave of our soul and mind when a one body will dies the soul went to another body to rule over it so our body itself the slave.
 Explanation of the title, symbols and significance of the play:

                          The key word of the title is “waiting’ and ‘Godot’ What Godot exactly means has been the subject of much controversy. It has been suggested that Godot weekend or diminutive from the word “God”. Godot may be therefore suggested the intervention of the supernatural agency. Or Godot stands for a mythical human being whose arrival is ex to changes the situation. We may presume too, that both these possibilities like a supernatural agencies and a supposed human being may be implied through the use of the name “ Godot”. Furthermore, although God fail to appear in the play, he as real a character as any of those whom we actually see. However the subject of the play is not “Godot” but “ waiting”, the act of waiting as an essential characteristics aspect of human condition. Throughout the lives, human beings always wait for something and Godot is simply represents the objective of their waiting – an event, a thing, a person, especially death. Beckett has thus depicted in this situation which has general human applications. We can also says that Beckett’s conscious sub conscious intention is in making Godot as an objective of Vladimir and Estragon’s quest so that they will  get involved into the waiting for Godot and they will never feel boring of waiting for the end of the life that is death. So we will also find a message that is conscious, alert and aware in life.

                        We can also observe into the play is that evening will come but night will never happens but the next day will arrives it shows that the waiting is still going on. According to Thomas Hardy he tries to connect sunset with any injuries or incoherent babbling. We will also found that two characters were hanged just like Christ who was Voiceless, viewless turner where results were the same. We will also find that the soul of both of the characters was burning into the hell. Hardy directed to give readers thinking by the meeting of the two characters. We can also see that nature as the observer and was pessimistic. So the voiceless, viewless turners found vision of life by Hardy.

                   The two tramps were shown as homeless fellows who show the concept of home like heaven and hell that a good soul will go heaven and evil soul will go into the hell. When both the character wants to commit suicide but they can’t because their time will be not arrived means still god has sent to those people into the word for completing their remained work and so still those works we not done and so they were not be able to kill themselves also.

                            Vladimir also found that how two leaves were grown up into the tree it shows the cycle of the life that life will goes by changing the tomorrow , one body will dies the another will come so here we will find the concept of salvation in to the play that salvation is the key to release the cycle of birth and death  ant that was the Godot means that was the last stop or we can say fulfillment of waiting into the life.

                        The hope of salvation maybe merely an invention of the suffering and anguish that spring from facing the reality of human condition. So there are we found existentialist philosophy of Jean Paul Sartre and the creative intuition of Beckett. Who has never consciously expressed the existentialist views? So here we will found the way of facing human conditions and human nothingness , liberty and need of constantly  creating ourselves in a succession of choices, then Godot might have become an image of  what Sartre call” bad faith”.  So we can say that religious and psychological interpretations paradox of change and stability is necessary into our life.

v Conclusion :

So we can say that Harold Blooms’ play ‘The search for the self’ is related with our personal self  that if a people has no hope so he has no waiting also like journey makes us painful journey of life. Illusions of happiness make our life unbearable. Prediction controls  our behavior  , microprocessor change our life identical to ourselves .I am so much in myself will found How to break it enigma of human existence and so we wants attainment self and desire to achieve our goal to satisfy our self.  So Waiting for Godot the play will be gives a vast scope to understand to human self and existence. So we can say that nothingness leads us towards absurdities which was necessary. So our life leads us towards mother’s womb to grave for which we were waiting into our life.


Works Cited

Esslin, Martin. The search for the self. Ed. Harold Bloom. Overlook press, 1973.
Kierkegaard, Soren. "Waiting for Godot an introduction." Existential philosophy (1813-15): 67.