Friday 1 April 2016

The 'White Tiger' is a novel which describes the greed of a man into the rapidly changing the world

M.K. Bhavnagar University

Name: Asmita Gond

SEM: 4(M.A English)

Bath Year: 2014- 2016

Roll no – 1

Enrollment No: 

Paper name:  The new literature

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Assignment Topic:

The 'White Tiger' is a novel which describes the greed of a man into the rapidly changing the world

The novel 'The white Tiger ' is written by Arvind Adiga so let's take an introduction of the novelist Arvind Adiga.

Introduction of Arvind Adiga:

Arvind Adiga is the winner of Man Booker prize 2008 for his debut novel 'The White Tiger' . 33 years old Adiga is a Journalist and author by profession. He is Australian citizen of Indian Origin.

Apart from the White Tiger Adiga has written two novels namely.

1. Between the Assassinations and
2. Last man in Tower

So let's see that how the novel describes a greed of man in a rapidly changing world.

Balram as an Anti-hero:

Balram got anti-hero, complex character assessment, a can driver, an entrepreneur and a murderer rolled into one in the novel

  1. a can driver
  2.  an entrepreneur
  3. a murderer 
  4. anti-hero
  5. complex character 

Vikram Halwai a rickshaw puller is born and raised in driver in the darkness of the rural India. His family is too poor for him to be able to finish school. Dispite being promised a scholarship Balram instead is forced to break coals and table in a Dhanbad tea shop. His family neither gave him a name nor a date of birth.

But he found that to work into a Tea shop will call not give him Anything and so he has join working as a driver from Mr. Ashok who is land lord into Laxmangarh. And with it Balram enter into the glamorous world. He found that how Ashok brings his girlfriend Pinki onto the mall and so that glamor has started to attracting Mr. Ashok's driver Balram.

And with it Balram has first time felt

relation between master and slave”

Balram get aware increasingly with immense world and opportunity all around him and contrast between master and slave. So Balram found the to do murder is the way to release from the servitude and so he has murdered Mr.Ashok and after the murder Balram flees to Banglore with his nephew Dharam. There Balram used the loot to own Taxi company. He was changes his name to Ashok Sharma and become a wealthy antrepreneur in India new technological society. So in this way Balram was become a murderer or we can say a criminal, which shows a greed of a man into the changing world.

With it one idea and thought comes into my mind is that there is only one thing which can give us freedom and that is to live life without fear and fear is biggest enemy into the human being. So if the door was always open so we have to grab each and every opportunities which comes into our life.

Introduction and the plot of the novel “The White Tiger':

The 'White Tiger' is the debute novel by Indian Author Arvind Adiga. It is one of the most powerful book also an amazing and angry novel about injustice and power.

It created different Indias:

an India of light and and India of darkness which is focused by the novelist articulating the voice of silent majority, trying to dismantle the discrimination between the big bellies and the small bellies.

Balram Halwai the protagonis is typical voice of underclass and metaphorically described as “ rooster coop” and struggle as set free from age old slavery and exploitation.
The novel provides a darkly comical view of modern day in India through the narration of its protagonist Balram Halwai. Balram loved in village call Laxmangarh Bihar and the son of the poor family.

He has also written four short stories like...
1. The sultan battery
3.Last Christmas in Bandra and
4. The elephant yorker.

Adiga's writing put in a pistachio shell is unapologetic it presenting a blending brilliant and brave mosaic Indian life, his writing is faced fast peaced and dark.

The author also praised to his ability to drive the darkest races of human nature and present the grim side of an individuals personality is an quality grim universe.

These days there are just two castes:

men with big bellies and man with small bellies.
And only two destinations”:

eat or Get Eaten up”

It means that the rich people will never get any crime into their own but they suppressed others who were poor. And because of the greed to get money and become richer and richer is shows greed of a man.

Into the real world we will found that there are biggest people like Ambani, Tata and also Billgates how can we forget Vijay Malya who has a lot amount of money but through their will never get fulfilled and they want more and more money by hook or krook and that was the biggest example of the greed of a man into changing the world.

Balram is the mouth piece of Arvinf Adiga the narrative force in the story gets ironic – pungent and sardonic as it proceeds. In the later part of the story, a dismal and somber atmosphere provides.

Socio economic crises is revealed through the chain of incidents. The character of rich is described as fearless and the character of poor is poor is is described as fearful and so to come into the rich world Balram has done crime.

Adiga tried to make it clear that in the bginning Balram only concerns was the money that Ashok was taking for some minister and he had little intention to kill Ashok. Balram even had his own logic behind stealing the money. As he was watching the red bag filled up with money. As he was watching the red bag his eyes were appears like....

A ct watching its prey”

Ant it also shows a greed of Balram to become rich into the world.

City life is the biggest attraction for Balram:

In city life what we will found so it is simple for those people who lives into the cities.But here we will also found contrast between a city people and village people because both have different image into their mind about city life.

According to city people they think that city gives money but hard work also necessary. In city everything will get easily but for that a person has to have good job and work. And city people were spending their money into watching movies and other things like to buy branded mobiles which not easy because it needs money . And so for that a city living people sometimes doing crimes also, which breaks the law of city life and it evokes greed into the people.

According to village people city is a place where one can earn money and live their life happily but a village people does not know that city has everything but they get it by corruption and crime . But it was not understand by village eple because that was out of understanding from village living people.

And Balram Halwai was one of them who has first thought that city life like Delhi is a place which gives Balram name , fame and money, but after realizing that he was mere a slave into the hands of Mr. Ashok he has started to think into the another way and he was attracted towards money and prosperous life and so he has murdered Mr. Ashok and it shows greed into a person into the changing world.

Balram finds tyranny of police and often games , sexual affluence and all types of crimes were common in Delhi but he does not indulge herself in any except killing his master. Such was his new morality Balram is highly ambitious the story of his progress from a humble native Village land to a man with the ambitions is highly tantalizing. As Mackbeth's ambition could not have been fulfilled without removing king Dunkan from his way so Balram's ambition could not have been fulfilled without removing his multi- millionaire master. He does not justify his action or morality after the murder.

Adiga trasmitted of reality be it good or bad indifferent cruel , mean or unimplementable. The novelist explore a vanishing India where there is complete want of understanding between the high and law rural and urban life of the rich and poor.

Marriage in India , marriage as a biggest greed for money

Marriage plays key role into Indian society as well as novel. When Balram's cousin get engaged his family “ get screwed'' with a large dowry they can not afford so to save his reputation and marriage the family has to take out a loan from the stork Balram is forced to dropout the school and work in a tea shop to help raise the money to pay back the doubt trigging the events of the rest of they story.

If we talk about some countries of India like U.P, Bihar and Karala we will found that people doing corruption even into marriage also , by asking a lot amount of dowery from bride's father. And they has to give dowry because without it marriage will not possible and that same thing we will found into the novel 'The White Tiger'. A dowry system can breaks the construction of a family , a nation , a dream and a ritual also. And it all are because of the greed of money.

Impact of Globalization:

Globalization is the biggest issue of the present age. And with the impact of globalization people were attracted towards city life and creating the big job and business.

Image result for GLOBALIZATIONFor some it is cover the concept for global capitalism and imperialism and is accordingly condemned as another form of imposition of the logic of capital the market on ever more region of the world and spheres of life. For others it is the continuation as freedom autocracy and happiness.

But the critics see the impact of globalization as a harmful bringing about increased domination and controlled by the wealthy over the poor thus, increasing the hegemony of the “haves” over “have- notes”.

Which is related to attention towards money and wealth. If we talk about Tm Friedman the phrase 'The world is flat' is that the global competitive playing field is being leveled it now possible for more of the people than ever to collaborate and compete in real time with more other people than ever to collaborate and compete in real time with the more other people on more the different corner of the planet and on a more equal footing that at any previous time in that at any previous time in the history of the world”.

So we can say that Friedman's analysis of the world is flat means people were restricted by rules and regulations but it can be breaks by the effect of the people because rules are made to break which will broken by Balram Halwai . Which shows the greed of the people which can be proceed towards full of a people and into the criminal world.

Circumstances into the progress:

Balram can not see the stones being thrown at animals is forced by the circumstances to be a murderer. After murdering Ashok he remain useful for four weeks and he says....

I am not a politician or a parliamentarian not one of those external or extraordinary men who as if nothing had happened.”

It means that Balram does not lost the mobility of his soul even after becoming an entrepreneur in Banglore. He justifies his choice of master as he has alternative to realize climb the ladder of the success. It also seems as if he wants to take the revenge upon all the masters for the age old exploitation of their servants.

So here we can see that a greed of a man will be not destructed and his soul will be also not turn into thewrong destruction but it can be deal with the representation the world be able to feel sorry for whatever he has done during his own and other that was shows reality of that was of the character Balram halwai.

Haven't I struggle in the struggle that were poor man , not to take the lashes your father look.'

It means that Balram does lost the mobility of his soul even aftr becoming an entrepreneur in Banglore. He justifies his choice of master as he has no other or alternative to realize his dream to to climb the ladder.

Also the novelist explores the Vanishing India where there is complete want of understanding between high and low rural and urban life the rich and poor the old morality and the new morality also. So the world is devied into two parts where one is suffering and another is enjoying whole life.

Kiran Desai 'The inheritance of loss Arvind Adiga s The white tiger , Arundhati Roy's The god of small things depicted background India all the three talk about deprived and frustration upper and lower class struggle.

Thus, we can say that Adiga 's The white tiger is also related with the same ideas. India which we will find into the novel of Chetan Bhagat which shows the greed of of a man into changing world because here everybody wants to be strong and powerful by hook and crook because money and richness is always get first priority and power people has to feel slavery.

So to be a rich and powerful is the main point shows a greed of every human being like Balram Halwai.


A book must the Axe for the frozen sea inside us.”
---- By Franz Kaika

Art is a mirror to reflect reality , but a hammer to shape it.”

----- By Bertoll Brecht

So we can say that in the novel 'The white tiger' we will found that how the relations , thought and behaviours are gettingchange by changing the world and that shows the real greed of a man who wants to be richer than than others . But that greed will be becomes the fall of any human being.

And this novel is the best example of it

When we are show scenes of starving children in Africa with a call for us to do something to help him the underlying ideological message is something like.”

Don't think don't politicize forget about the true causes of their poverty, just act contribute money so that you will not have to think.”

---- By Slavoj Zizox

Works Cited

<Wikipedia contributors. "The White Tiger." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 16 Mar. 2016. Web. 1 Apr. 2016.>.




  1. Well prepared with some original quotes. Really it is a typical culture of India used by Arvid Adiga in "The White Tiger".

  2. Well. Subject is very good for writing assignment.You prove also with good arguments how human beings are constantly change and live with dishonesty.
